On Demand


Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan: Old Age (Ages 65+)

We’ve had a slight delay in scheduling this session, but it’s coming soon! Stay tuned for updates and check back for more details. We’re excited to bring you an engaging discussion on sensory integration in older adulthood—don’t miss it!

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Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan: Adulthood (Ages 20+)

A discussion that examines how sensory processing impacts adults' daily lives, and provide practical examples of how to support sensory integration in adults.

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Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan – Teenage Years (Ages 13-19)

Join us as we focus on how sensory processing impacts teens’ self-awareness, emotional regulation, and social interaction

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A Self-Determined Approach to Sensory Regulation: Theory, Evaluation, and Intervention in School-Based Practice

Drs Amy Coopersmith and Peggy Morris provide a comprehensive review of self-determination theory and practice, with specific application for sensory regulatory capacities for school-based practice

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Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan: Elementary School Years (Ages 6-12)

This interactive exchange aims to equip parents, teachers, and therapists with the knowledge and tools needed to support SI during the elementary school years.

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Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan: Early Childhood (Ages 0 – 5)

An insightful discussion exploring various intervention strategies aimed at supporting sensory integration in young children.

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Handwriting Horizons: Sensory Foundations for Fine Motor Mastery

Enhance your understanding of the importance of sensory processing in the development of fine motor skills.

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Life in Lycra: The Power of Lycra as a Healing Modality

Enhance your clinical reasoning using Lycra within a relational approach to support felt safety, regulation, and postural adaptation.

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Mentoring in the Art of Therapy: Navigating the path to independence: Decisions about when to discontinue intervention

Stacey Szklut, OT, MSOT, OTR shares insight into the process for deciding when to discharge clients.

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Mentoring in the Art of Therapy: Navigating Flow: Skillful Transition in Ayres Sensory Integration

Dr. May-Benson and Robyn Carreras discuss the art of successful seamless transitions in Ayres Sensory Integration.

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Mentoring in the Art of Therapy: Coregulation

Listen in as we delve into the concept of co-regulation, highlighting its significance in supporting individuals facing sensory processing challenges.

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Mentoring in The Art of Therapy: Creating the Just Right Challenge

Dr. Zoe Mailloux shares insights into the skills necessary for successful creation of the just right challenge in Ayres SI intervention.

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2024 LiveTalk Series: Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan

A series of 5 conversations, each based around a case study, exploring the unique sensory experiences and support needs faced by individuals at different stages of life.

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Live in Person: SAFE PLACE: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Treating Children with Complex Trauma and Sensory Processing Disorder – A Training Program

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Mentoring in The Art of Therapy: Being Child-Led

This talk will emphasize the therapist's role in following the child’s lead and discuss the essential skills and qualities necessary for a child-led approach.

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Mentoring in The Art of Therapy – Promoting motivation, engagement, and fun

A discussion of factors that influence client participation in ASI and strategies to promote motivation, engagement, and fun, with an emphasis on the role of play and use of playfulness as a therapeutic tool.

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Trauma, Sensory Integration, and Behavior: What’s the Connection?

An introduction to concepts core to trauma and attachment concerns in children, with a special emphasis on those with SPD.

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