Current & Upcoming Courses

Highlighted Courses


Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan: Elementary School Years (Ages 6-12)

This interactive exchange aims to equip parents, teachers, and therapists with the knowledge and tools needed to support SI during the elementary school years.

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Handwriting Horizons: Sensory Foundations for Fine Motor Mastery

Enhance your understanding of the importance of sensory processing in the development of fine motor skills.

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Advanced Intervention for Ideational Praxis: Affordances to Executive Functions

Join Dr. Teresa May-Benson for strategies to enhance ideational abilities in children with praxis challenges.

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Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan: Early Childhood (Ages 0 – 5)

An insightful discussion exploring various intervention strategies aimed at supporting sensory integration in young children.

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Life in Lycra: The Power of Lycra as a Healing Modality

Enhance your clinical reasoning using Lycra within a relational approach to support felt safety, regulation, and postural adaptation.

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Mentoring in The Art of Therapy: Creating the Just Right Challenge

Dr. Zoe Mailloux shares insights into the skills necessary for successful creation of the just right challenge in Ayres SI intervention.

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2024 LiveTalk Series: Sensory Integration Across the Lifespan

A series of 5 conversations, each based around a case study, exploring the unique sensory experiences and support needs faced by individuals at different stages of life.

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Enjoy unlimited access to all our pre-recorded webinars, LiveTalks, and articles, plus 20% off online courses and new webinars with an annual SPIRAL membership.

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SAFE PLACE: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Treating Children with Complex Trauma and SPD – A Training Program

Assessment and intervention knowledge necessary to implement the SAFE PLACE program.

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Exploring Ethics in Sensory Integration Practice

Dr Teresa May-Benson discusses the basic tenants of ethics in occupational therapy with particular emphasis for occupational therapists utilizing a sensory integration frame of reference.

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Supporting the Development of Children’s Regulation through Play

A discussion of an interdisciplinary framework for building self-regulation skills through responsive scaffolding of play in young children.

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Sensory Integration in a Bag

This webinar will provide therapists with equipment and activity ideas that are essential materials to be “in the bag” or “in the car” for every traveling therapist who wants to use a sensory-based approach to intervention.

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About our Courses & Programs

The Spiral Foundation offers a wide variety of on- and offline educational programs, including:

Webinars   PowerPoint presentations of varying lengths on a variety of introductory to intermediate topics. Webinars include visual, audio, and a copy of the PowerPoint notes. Recorded. Live participants have access to recording after the presentation. All webinars are available for purchase the Spiral Foundation Store.

LiveTalks   One hour podcasts on a variety topics. Information is generally introductory and appropriate for a variety of professional audiences. LiveTalks are audio only and typically do not include additional notes. Recorded. Live participants have access to recording after the presentation. All LiveTalks are available for purchase in the Spiral Foundation Store.

Online Courses   Recorded six to eight hour courses on a variety of intermediate to advanced topics presented as PowerPoints. Available as streaming videos for the duration of a month long viewing window; includes visual, audio, and handouts but generally do not include a copy of the PowerPoint notes. Not available for purchase in the Spiral Foundation Store outside the viewing window.

Intensives   Unique five-day advanced mentorship programs that focus on hands-on experience to assist therapists in developing clinical reasoning skills and to better implement assessments and interventions. Includes participant guided lecture and discussion sessions and feedback from experienced clinicians. Not recorded.

Live Courses   One or two-day courses on a variety of introductory to advanced topics. Not recorded.


Check out our annual calendar for upcoming courses and events! Watch your email or our home page for information on when registration opens for our various events.

July 2024

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The Spiral Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and as such your donation is tax deductible.