The FOCUS Program for Mealtime Success
Looking for a comprehensive approach to supporting individuals who experience eating and mealtime challenges? Get to know The FOCUS Program for Eating and Mealtime Success, a systematic and whole-body approach that supports clients of all ages to expand their food...Sneaky Fine Motor Activity May – POP TUBES and POM-POMS
Pop tubes are a great beginner fine motor tool as they require 2 hands to pull them apart to make a sound while providing a global grasp opportunity. If your client has mastered symmetrical bilateral motor control add in a pom-pom for them to drop in through...Sneaky Fine Motor Activity – April
Magic Rainbow Puzzle balls are a great way to work on finger dexterity and strength as you work to push the colorful balls into their matching holes. Additionally, they are a great bilateral activity as they require one to use a stabilizing hand while the other hand...Sneaky Fine Motor Activity – March
Sneaky Fine Motor Activity for March: Fill the Pot of Gold Laminate small gold coins and a pot of gold. Attach small dots of velcro to the backs of the coins and the pot, alternating the type of velcro dot so that you can also stick the coins together, small round...