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Sensory Integration, It’s Not Just for Kids: Working with Adults with SPD
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G.A.S.: Goal Attainment Scaling as a Meaningful Outcome Measure for Therapy Services
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Clinical Reasoning for Utilizing Sound Therapy Programs
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Clinical Reasoning for Tactile and Somatosensory Problems in Sensory Integration
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Clinical Reasoning for Praxis Assessment and Intervention
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Clinical Reasoning for Developing and Implementing Sensory Diets for Modulation Problems
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Clinical Reasoning for Addressing Play Skills in Sensory Integration
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Treatment Strategies for Self Regulation in Children
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Sensory Integration in a Bag
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Get a Grip on It! Understanding Hand Function and Intervention Strategies for Manipulation and Handwriting
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Autism Spectrum Disorder, Motor Performance, and Praxis: A Primer
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Addressing Sensory Processing Disorder at School: Options for Intervention
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Applying Evidence-Based Practice to Ayres Sensory Integration®
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Advances in Understanding and Treating Play from a Sensory Integrative Perspective in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Advances in Understanding Brain Neurochemistry, Gastro-Intestinal Problems and Mitochondrial Difficulties in Children with ASD
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Advances in Effectiveness of Ayres Sensory Integration® Using the Data-Driven Decision Making Model with Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Advances in Overcoming and Living Fully with Autism
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