Featuring: Susanne Smith Roley, OTD, OTR/L, FAOTA originally recorded November 3, 2014 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. This LiveTalk is part of the Treatment Tips and Tricks bundle. Description:Â To master the art of sensory integration intervention the...
Featuring: Nancy Lawton-Shirley, OTR originally recorded September 29, 2014 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. This LiveTalk is part of the Treatment Tips and Tricks bundle. Description:Â Posture can be a difficult area to treat, and therapists can often find...
Featuring: Dr. Celia Hinrichs, OD, FCOVD originally recorded May 19, 2014 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. This LiveTalk is part of the Treatment Tips and Tricks bundle. Description:Â This LiveTalk discusses interventions for oculo-motor difficulties. The...
Featuring: Teresa May-Benson, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA originally recorded February 24, 2014 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. Description:Â This LiveTalk will provide practical strategies and activities for facilitating the development of praxis in children with...
Featuring: Stacey Szklut, MS, OTR/L originally recorded June 30, 2014 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. Description:Â This LiveTalk discusses interventions for promoting oral motor skills in children and the rationale and clinical reasoning behind them....
Featuring: Rhoda P. Erhardt, MS, OTR/L FAOTA originally recorded December 1, 2014 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. This LiveTalk is part of the Treatment Tips and Tricks bundle. Description:Â Rhoda Erhardt, renowned expert in children’s fine motor...
Featuring: Alex Doman, CEO of Advanced Brain Technologies originally recorded March 31, 2014 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. This LiveTalk is part of the Treatment Tips and Tricks bundle. Description:Â This LiveTalk will address the foundations of and...
Featuring: Dr. Moya Kinnealey, Ph.D., OTR/L originally recorded January 5, 2013 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. The LiveTalk is part of the Evening with an Expert bundle. Description:Â This LiveTalk will discuss research and strategies related to the...
Kathy Carley MS, OTR/L and Diane Levinson MS, OTR/L originally recorded November 26, 2012 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. The LiveTalk is part of the Evening with an Expert bundle. Description:Â This LiveTalk will discuss current sound therapy programs and...