Advances in Brain Neuroimaging in Children with SPD

Advances in Brain Neuroimaging in Children with SPD

Featuring: Elysa Marco, MD originally recorded March 15, 2017 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. This LiveTalk is part of the Advances in Autism bundle. Description: The etiology of sensory integration dysfunction is currently unknown. Differences in sensory...
Advances in Brain Neuroimaging in Children with SPD

Early Identification of Autism

Featuring: Dr. Margaret Bauman, MD originally recorded September 26, 2012 LiveTalks are hour long audio-only podcasts. The LiveTalk is part of the Evening with an Expert bundle. Description: This talk will discuss the recent research on the early identification of...
Self-Report Assessment for Children and Lower-Functioning Adolescents and Adults with Autism

Facilitating Social Skills in Autism

Presented by: Sarah Friel, MA, CCC-SLP originally recorded November 9, 2015 ParentSpeak Webinars are video presentations and include the recorded PowerPoint and lecture and a .pdf copy of the PowerPoint notes. Description: ‘Facilitating Social Skills in Autism,...

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