CE Articles, Videos and DVDs
We offer a range of CE products in addition to our courses, webinars and LiveTalks. Spiral Foundation’s CE Articles are downloadable articles on topics of interest to today’s therapists. AOTA CEU’s are available following completion of a brief quiz. Our educational videos are available for on-line viewing at anytime following purchase. Our SAFE PLACE dvd is available for purchase with or without AOTA CEU’s.

Self Study Article: Feasibility, Acceptability, and Effectiveness of a Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy Clinic Telehealth Program: A Program Review
Research showing that telehealth was found to be a feasible, acceptable and effective method of delivering SI-OT services by parents and therapists.

Use of Interdisciplinary Motor/Speech Groups to Promote School Readiness in Young Children
The use of interdisciplinary sensory motor/speech group programs to support the development of motor, language, social, and regulation skills related to school readiness.

Sensory Processing and Coping Skills in Children with Sensory Integrative Dysfunction
This self-study discusses clinical reasoning for supporting the coping skills of children with sensory processing and integration challenges and utilizes sensory diets as a sample intervention.

Relationship of Praxis to Avocational Skills in Children with Dyspraxia
This study provides evidence that dysfunction in praxis is related to decreased skills and/or participation in avocational activities.

Behavioral and Emotional Regulation: It’s Not Just About Modulation
This article explores the relationship between praxis skills and behavioral and emotional regulation with the intent of supporting occupational therapy practitioners in identifying and addressing these challenges.

A Personal Perspective on the Art of Sensory Integration Intervention
 In this special video occupational therapist and Spiral Foundation co-founder Dr. Jane Koomar discusses her thoughts on the art of sensory integration intervention, discussing topics such as developing therapeutic intentions, joining with children, creating safe spaces for bonding, using language to facilitate children’s performance, holding hope and promoting joy, and creating new stories for children’s lives.

How Visual, Vestibular and Proprioceptive Integration Influence our Behavior and Learning
This paper describes the influence of visual, vestibular and proprioceptive integration on adaptive behavior and learning.

Sensory Integration Activities for Parents and Therapists
This video with Dr. Teresa May-Benson demonstrates a variety of treatment activities for parents and therapists for over ten pieces of primarily non-suspended and easy to use or make equipment.